Create subaccount


The API response object will contain the created subaccount's API key (apiKey) along with the walletId for Split Payments or Transfers.

The API key (apiKey) will be returned only once, in the response of the Asaas subaccount creation call, so make sure to store the information at that moment. If you have not stored it, please contact our Technical Support.



In Sandbox mode, it's only possible to create 20 subaccounts per day. If the account reaches the daily limit, an error notification will be received.

Additionally, all subaccount communications in Sandbox mode will be sent to the root account's email. The owner of the subaccount receives notifications.


Always provide a valid ZIP code

The provided postalCode needs to be valid because we register the city using it. If it's not found, a 400 error will be returned, indicating that the city needs to be provided.



Sending personal income (incomeValue) or monthly billing (incomeValue) through the incomeValue field in the Commercial Data Update endpoints (/v3/myAccount/commercialInfo) and Subaccount Creation (/v3/accounts) will become mandatory, and you need to update your integration to send this information.

Starting from May 30, 2024, calls to these endpoints without this information will return an error, indicating that the field is mandatory.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!