HTTP response codes

Our API uses conventional HTTP responses to indicate the success or failure of requests. Status 200 responses indicate success, status 4xx indicate failures due to errors in the information sent, and status 500 indicate internal errors on our server.

HTTP CodeDescription
200 OKYour request was successful.
400 Bad RequestA mandatory parameter was not sent or is invalid. In this case, the response itself will indicate what the problem is.
401 UnauthorizedNo API Key was sent, or it is invalid.
403 ForbiddenUnauthorized request. API abuse or the use of prohibited parameters can generate this code.
403 Forbidden / Cloudfront (GET)403 errors in GET calls indicate that you are sending a body with the request. You should not send any information in the body in GET type calls.
404 Not FoundThe requested endpoint or object does not exist.
429 Too Many RequestsToo many requests in a given period of time. More in our section on Rate Limiting.
500 Internal Server ErrorSomething went wrong on the Asaas server.

All API endpoints accept and respond in JSON.

Example response for HTTP 400:

            "description":"The value field must be informed"
            "description":"The due date cannot be earlier than today"