Different from recovering a specific billing, this method returns a paginated list with all billings for the provided filters.
List billings for a specific customer: GET https://api.asaas.com/v3/payments?customer={customer_id}
Filter by payment method: GET https://api.asaas.com/v3/payments?billingType=CREDIT_CARD
Filter by status: GET https://api.asaas.com/v3/payments?status=RECEIVED
Filter by status and payment method: GET https://api.asaas.com/v3/payments?status=RECEIVED&billingType=CREDIT_CARD
Filter by initial and final creation date: GET https://api.asaas.com/v3/payments?dateCreated%5Bge%5D=2017-01-12&dateCreated%5Ble%5D=2017-11-28
Filter by initial and final due date: GET https://api.asaas.com/v3/payments?dueDate%5Bge%5D=2017-01-12&dueDate%5Ble%5D=2017-11-28
Filter by initial and final payment date: GET https://api.asaas.com/v3/payments?paymentDate%5Bge%5D=2017-01-12&paymentDate%5Ble%5D=2017-11-28
Filter only anticipated billings: GET https://api.asaas.com/v3/payments?anticipated=true
Avoid polling
Polling is the practice of making successive
requests to check billing statuses. It is considered bad practice due to the high resource consumption it causes. We recommend that you use our Webhooks to receive billing status changes and keep your application updated.Making too many requests can lead to API key blocking due to abuse.
Read more: Polling vs. Webhooks