Make consultation


Allows you to check the financial health of your current and potential customers through Serasa Experian.



  • The PDF download URL will only be available until 23:59 on the same day.
  • An email containing the PDF of the report will be sent to the email registered in the Asaas account for each consultation.

Consultations with Serasa Experian are performed at the time of request. To avoid possible connection losses, we suggest a timeout of 30 seconds or more.

When making the inquiry, the reportFile attribute containing the Base64-encoded PDF of the report will be returned. This field is only returned at the time of creating the consultation. If you need it again, you will need to download it using the URL provided in the downloadUrl field.

To perform the consultation, you will need to provide a CPF or CNPJ and the state where you wish to perform the consultation.

If you want to provide information about a customer already registered in your Asaas account:

  • This customer must have a CPF or CNPJ already registered.
  • Providing the state becomes optional if it is already included in the customer's profile.


To request a consultation, you need to contact your Asaas account manager to request permission to consult customers through Serasa Experian via API.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!