Delete White Label subaccount




Only subaccounts in the White Label format can be deleted via API. Subaccounts that have access to the Asaas web/app interface must be deleted directly through those interfaces.


🚧 Remember

When using this endpoint, you need to make the call using the API key of the subaccount you want to delete.

When you delete a subaccount in Asaas, it will lose access to all functionalities, and all its data will be removed, including invoices, customers, and documents.

It will not be possible to recover the account after cancellation.

To delete the subaccount, it is necessary to:

  • Have no pending balance
  • Have no scheduled withdrawals or invoices
  • Have no pending charges
  • Have no open amounts on the Asaas Credit Card (Open, closed, or future invoices)
  • Have no balance on the Prepaid Card
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!