Check account registration status

The possible values are:

Commercial Info (commercialInfo):

  • REJECTED - Rejected
  • APPROVED - Approved
  • AWAITING_APPROVAL - The commercial data can be in this status when manual approval is required, thus they will be in the analysis queue.
  • PENDING - The commercial data are in this situation when they are not fully completed yet, for example during onboarding, where the completion occurs in stages.

Bank Account Info (bankAccountInfo):

  • PENDING - Data not yet submitted
  • APPROVED - Approved
  • REJECTED - Rejected

Documentation (documentation):

  • PENDING - Documentation not yet submitted
  • APPROVED - Approved
  • REJECTED - Rejected
  • AWAITING_APPROVAL - When all requested documents are submitted and automatic approval was not possible, this status is used, and they will also be in the analysis queue.

General Approval (general):

  • PENDING - General approval will be in this status if the commercial data or documentation is in PENDING, AWAITING_APPROVAL, or REJECTED.
  • APPROVED - Account approved
  • REJECTED - Account rejected
  • AWAITING_APPROVAL - This status is used when all other statuses are approved, but general approval could not be done automatically. It will be in the queue waiting for manual analysis.


The account will be 100% approved when the return of the general attribute is APPROVED.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!