Is it possible to create clients in batch?

This is not possible through the Asaas API, since each request made will only process a single client at a time.

However, if you already have a consolidated customer base and want to migrate them all to Asaas at once, it is possible to do so using a model spreadsheet, which is available in this article.

Once completed, simply contact your account manager requesting the import and sending the attached file.

Why do I need to create a customer to be able to create the charge?

Asaas is much more than just a digital account. We act as a complete CRM for your business, where you can, in addition to generating charges, issue invoices, count on Serasa consultation and negative services, and many others.

Therefore, to use these services, it is necessary to have a customer already registered with complete data, as through this you will be able to use these services (billing, issuing invoices, denial, etc.).