Payments via Pix or dynamic QR Code

Offer Pix as a payment method, boost your sales, and receive the money in seconds, directly into your digital account. Learn more.

Creating a Pix payment

By choosing Pix as the payment method and having a Pix key configured, a unique QR Code is generated for you.

POST /v3/payments
Check the complete reference of this endpoint

      "customer": "cus_000005219613",
      "billingType": "PIX",
      "value": 100.90,
      "dueDate": "2023-07-21"

To retrieve the QR Code image and the copy-and-paste key, simply send the ID of the payment you just created to the endpoint to recover the data.

GET /v3/payments/{id}/pixQrCode
Check the complete reference of this endpoint

From this endpoint, you will have access to 3 pieces of information: the image encoded in Base64 encodedImage, the copy-and-paste code payload, and the expiration date expirationDate.


  • The generated QR Code is of the dynamic type with expiration.
  • The QR Code expires 12 months after the due date.
  • It can be printed or made available in documents, as the values are consulted at the time of reading the QR Code. For example: printing on a bill or payment booklets.
  • It can only be paid once.



Currently, it is possible to generate an immediate payment dynamic Pix QR Code without having a Pix key registered in Asaas. This QR Code will be linked to a partner institution where Asaas has a key registered. Every QR Code obtained in this manner can be paid until 23:59 on the same day. Each update to your payment requires obtaining a new QR Code. However, this functionality will be discontinued in the future, and a notice will be sent 30 days in advance, so we already recommend registering your Pix key at Create a Pix key.