Installment payments

To create an installment payment, instead of sending the value parameter, send installmentCount and installmentValue, which represent the number of installments and the value of each installment, respectively.

  "customer": "{CUSTOMER_ID}",
  "billingType": "BOLETO",
  "installmentCount": 6,
  "installmentValue": 20,
  "dueDate": "2017-06-10",
  "description": "Order 056984",
  "externalReference": "056984",
  "discount": {
    "value": 10,
    "dueDateLimitDays": 0
  "fine": {
    "value": 1
  "interest": {
    "value": 2
  "object": "payment",
  "id": "pay_080225913252",
  "dateCreated": "2017-03-10",
  "customer": "cus_G7Dvo4iphUNk",
  "paymentLink": null,
  "installment": "5a2c890b-dd63-4b5a-9169-96c8d7828f4c",
  "dueDate": "2017-06-10",
  "value": 20,
  "netValue": 15,
  "billingType": "BOLETO",
  "canBePaidAfterDueDate": true,
  "pixTransaction": null,
  "status": "PENDING",
  "description": "Order 056984",
  "externalReference": "056984",
  "originalValue": null,
  "interestValue": null,
  "originalDueDate": "2017-06-10",
  "paymentDate": null,
  "clientPaymentDate": null,
  "installmentNumber": 3,
  "transactionReceiptUrl": null,
  "nossoNumero": "6453",
  "invoiceUrl": "",
  "bankSlipUrl": "",
  "invoiceNumber": "00005101",
  "discount": {
    "value": 10,
    "dueDateLimitDays": 0
  "fine": {
    "value": 1
  "interest": {
    "value": 2
  "deleted": false,
  "postalService": false,
  "anticipated": false,
  "anticipable": false,
  "refunds": null

If you prefer to inform only the total value of the installment plan, send the totalValue field instead of installmentValue with the desired amount. If the exact division of the installment values is not possible, the difference will be compensated in the last installment.

For example, an installment plan with a total value of R$ 350.00 divided into 12 installments would generate 11 installments of R$ 29.16 each, with the twelfth installment being R$ 29.24, totaling R$ 350.00.

The response in case of success will be the first payment of the installment plan. If you want to retrieve all installments, just execute the following request with the installment returned:


Other actions regarding the installment plan can be found in our installment section.