Split in WooCommerce

In the Asaas Plugin for WooCommerce, it is also possible to configure payment splits individually for each payment method.

Therefore, you can define a split configuration for Pix, another for Boleto and another for Credit Card separately.

The configuration is general per payment method, that is, for every order placed with the selected payment method, the split will be executed in a similar way, and it is not possible (yet) to carry out individual splits per product.

How to configure

Setup is simple.

When accessing your Wordpress administrative panel, navigate to the section WooCommerce > Settings > Payments.

Once you have the Asaas Plugin active and installed, you will see the 3 payment methods individually. Then, just open the payment method for which you want to configure the split.

Once you open the desired payment method, navigate to the "Split" section. The configuration will be carried out in a similar way regardless of the payment method, so the screens will be identical.

The first definition to be made is to inform the number of portfolios for which you want to split. If you want to split the charge with 1 partner, simply enter the amount 1 and save. If you want to split with 2 partners, enter 2 and save. And so on!

Once you enter the number of wallets and save, a new section will appear, where you will see the following fields:

  • Wallet (number of wallets)
  • Nickname (define a name for the wallet. This name will be displayed in the order notes after executing the split).
  • Wallet ID (here you must enter the walletId. This data can be requested from your partner, or you can inform it directly if you already have the information). The walletId can be retrieved through the Asaas account Integrations menu.
  • Percentage (enter the percentage of the net value of the order that will be shared with your partner)

Once the data is filled in, just save your configuration and that's it! The split is configured and will be automatically applied to the payment method.

If you want to configure other split settings for other payment methods, simply return to the "Payments" section of WooCommerce, select the desired payment method and carry out the same process.


  • The percentage of splits cannot exceed the 100% quota.
  • If the split destination account has any pending issues with Asaas, the split may also not be carried out.
  • If the wallet ID is entered incorrectly, WooCommerce will perform validation and return an exception after trying to save the configuration.
  • If the order is placed using a payment method that has a split configured, you will be able to view the split settings directly in your order notes.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us via email integracoes@asaas.com.br 💙