
Why can't I find the integration tab in my browser?

The reason you can't find the integrations tab in your (web) browser is most likely because your user is not an administrator. The Integrations menu is for administrator users only.

How can I retrieve my API key?

The API key is irretrievable, if it is lost, a new one must be generated.

I'm getting a 401 error when trying to test in the documentation.

Our documentation only supports sandbox calls. If you are receiving an authentication error, it is possible that you are using a production key and this is causing the error.

Why when I generate the key does it disappear when refreshing the page?

It's a security issue. As this is extremely sensitive information on your account, we cannot leave it exposed. So, it will only be displayed when you generate it, after that if you update the page, for example, only the button to Generate new API key will appear again and if you generate a new one it will invalidate the previous one.

Where do I generate my API key?

You can generate your API key directly through the ASAAS web interface, going to Integrations > API Key > Generate new API key.

As this is very confidential account information, we are unable to generate it here for you, only by carrying out the process above. After generating the API key in our interface, store it directly in your key vault, preventing it from being exposed in messages of any type or emails. Never leave the API key directly in the source code of your systems.

It is important to highlight that it will only be displayed when you generate it, after that if you update the page, for example, only the button to Generate new API key will appear again and if you generate a new one it will invalidate the previous one.

Another point is that it is not possible to generate the key through the APP. Only via the web.

Can I create more than one API key for my account?

No. The API key is unique per account. If you generate a new key, the previous one will be invalidated.

Receiving error 401, what can I do?

The 401 error indicates that the API call authentication was not successfully validated, and generally indicates the use of an invalid API key. In these situations, we can use the following questions:

  1. Are you sending the API Key in the request? As explained here.
  2. Is the header correctly written "access_token"?
  3. Are you using the API key corresponding to the environment in use? (Sandbox/Production)
  4. Have you checked whether the requested endpoint is correct? (Sandbox/Production)
  5. Have you already done a test by running the generation of a new generated API key?