Can I transfer between my Asaas accounts? Does it cost?
It is possible to transfer between Asaas accounts to accounts that are linked to each other, such as a root account and sub-account, or two sub-accounts of the same root account.
You must have the walletId of the destination Asaas account, information that is returned when it is created.
There is no cost for these transfers between Asaas accounts, and they are carried out immediately. If critical action authorization is enabled on the originating account, it will be necessary to carry out validation to carry out the transfer.
I'm getting an HTTP 409 error on the transfer request. What it means?
HTTP error 409 (Conflict) indicates that the current request conflicted with a request that is already in Asaas.
This means that you are making a transfer attempt that is identical to the other transfer that was made in the last 15 minutes.
We provide this mechanism to prevent you from unintentionally processing duplicate transfers.
Therefore, if you make two transfers of the same value and to the same destination within an interval of less than 15 minutes, you will receive this exception in your response.
Updated 8 days ago