API Limits
Receiving error 429 for a short time could be concurrent requests? Understand:
Concurrent requests are those that are submitted to Asaas before the previous request has been responded to.
It is possible to make up to 50 concurrent GET requests to our API. If this limit is exceeded, your application will receive the HTTP 429 Too Many Requests error in the requests.
Receiving error 429 due to Quota limit
We have an API usage quota limit every 12 hours. The limit is 25,000 requests per account regardless of the endpoint accessed. The counter starts from the time of the first request and is incremented for the next 12 hours, when the counter restarts from zero and is counted again for 12 hours.
If the limit is reached or exceeded, you will receive an HTTP 429 Too Many Requests error.
If you are actually exceeding this quota with generation of charges, for example, the limit can be increased. However, if it is found that the account is polling, we cannot change the quota limit.
Receiving error 429 due to Rate Limit
We have request limits on certain endpoints where abuse can somewhat compromise the performance and use of the Asaas APIs. We measure requests and can restrict them when the permitted quantity is exceeded.
You can check the status in the response headers after a request:
RateLimit-Limit: 100
RateLimit-Remaining: 50
RateLimit-Reset: 30
The RateLimit-Reset header has the missing seconds to reset the limit.
If the limit is reached or exceeded (RateLimit-Remaining: 0), you will receive an HTTP 429 Too Many Requests error.
The Rate limit is not customizable, you need to scale it in your system, depending on the returns.
Updated 8 days ago